About the club

What makes us special?

Munich Prostmasters is a unique and diverse club consisting of people from around the globe.

About Munich Prostmasters

Part of Toastmasters International, Munich Prostmasters  is a non-profit organisation whose members share the common goal of becoming engaging communicators. As a member, you will learn to overcome the challenges and fears of public speaking and practice leadership skills according to a proven, hands-on program in a rich atmosphere of encouragement and motivational feedback.

Here are just some benefits of attending Prostmasters meetings:

  • sharpened speaking skills
  • gained confidence in speaking in front of a large audience
  • valuable feedback provided by experienced speakers
  • enhanced leadership skills
  • meeting and engaging with people from various international backgrounds
  • fun!

Our club also has several unique assets:

  • all club meetings are conducted entirely in English
  • we have members with over 17 different nationalities
  • 60% of our members are experienced speakers
  • we excel in supportive and valuable feedback on speeches
  • the atmosphere is friendly and enthusiastic
  • a good-sized club – everyone can regularly practice their speaking and leadership skills
  • we always socialize after meetings

We are a unique club

  • Most international in Munich (except probably the Effective Communicators)
  • Incredibly high standard of speakers
  • 3 past District Governors
  • We have members who have won the District contests multiple times in English and German
  • 2 winners of international speech contests (1 went to Phoenix and came in third in the semi-finals)

Our Achievements

Toastmasters is an organization that strives to improve the quality of clubs over the years. Clubs can participate in the Distinguished Club Program (DCP) and measure their quality year after year.

Since the DCP started, Munich Prostmasters has been President’s Distinguished 5 times, Select Distinguished twice and Distinguished twice as well.

Prostmasters not only excels on the club level, we also foster speaking excellence and participation in contests. Our members have over the years repeatedly won Area and Division Contests as well as on the District level.

We think this makes Munich Prostmasters quite unique.