Munich Prostmasters
The club officers meet once in 2 months before or after a normal meeting.
We maintain the distinguished club plan(DCP), plan and track progress.
Toastmasters International
Before Club Meetings
• Post the minutes of the previous club meeting online and notify club members
that the minutes are available for review.
• Prepare for the president a list of actions to be taken during the business meeting,
including unfinished business, announcements and correspondence.
Upon Arrival at Club Meetings
• Circulate the club’s attendance sheet and Guest Book (Item 84) for members and
guests to sign.
During Club, Business and Executive Committee Meetings
• Read the minutes of the previous meeting, note any amendments and record the
minutes of the current meeting.
Overview: Toastmasters International -Secretary Overview
Club Leadership Handbook: Toastmasters International -Club Leadership Handbook-1310