1st May at Prostmasters

Prostmasters meeting on the 1st May

Prostmasters meeting on the 1st May was a beautiful ending to a beautiful day.

We all  have been impatient for spring to come. Now that it was there, the engaging spring mood and summer spirit full of hope and promises enriched our meeting.

Despite the lovely evening with birds tweeting loudly outside and anxiety about the upcoming football game betwenn FC Bayern and FC Barcelona, loyal Toastmasters were standing in front of our premises at 19:15 and reeeaaadyyyy to rumble!

Though it was a day off, our word of the day was WORK. And so we worked!

We started with a funny joke from Stephanie and moved on to Table Topics by amazing Ineke. And half a minute later I found myself startled by a question ”Why should some people not wear sandals”?  For a couple of seconds a logical human in my head was wondering “Why should they not?!”, but then a Toastmaster in me has taken over “Who cares.. Just talk!!!” Great thing about table topics is that after your mind goes blank, your brain can’t seem to place any reasonable answer on your lips, you almost die of a heart attack and embarrassment, words finally do come to mind and start slowly forming ideas. The more often you do it, the better you get. It was fascinating and inspiring to watch how Gerhard and Herve mastered their table topics into a witty smart and educating (thinking about Brittany) speeches. That is why, striving to see light at the end of the tunnel, I wish to have more of those awkward painful but so enlightening Table Topics’ moments!

Table Topics were followed by three wonderful speeches. I was grateful for a lovely adventure shared by Tobias, so charming “Morning Mood” story by Nana and a strong and powerful competition speech by Mel (our future European Champion in Public Speaking!). These speeches have made us curious, they made us laugh, worry, wonder and the most important thing – they made us think, as they had a strong message.

What I have learned is whatever challenges we face, however hard it seems and however unpleasant the situation is, we are still strong enough and courageous enough and kind enough, to face it all! Nana said: Giving in is not giving up! And I believe her!

If you are wondering what is your next step in life and how to make it happen, just follow Mel’s advice: Make the most of your time! And there is no better time to chase your dreams than NOW!

It seems that the month of May is struggling with an identity crisis. It is supposed to be full of encouraging sunshine but what we encounter is mostly gloomy sky and rain drops on the windows. But I know where my source of inspiration is – at Prostmasters!

– by Darya

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