
  • Mikaela wins the District Evaluation contest at Aarhus, Denmark

    Mikaela wins the District Evaluation contest at Aarhus, Denmark

    Mikaela Gallon wins the District Evaluation contest for the Munich Prostmasters. With this our club has won the Evaluation contest three times in a row (Member Awards). Mikaela competed with 8 other Division winners and stood out. I found her calm and poised while she delivered the evaluation speech in her own style. Go Mikaela!

  • Reverse meeting

    Reverse meeting

    When Ron puts his mind to it, he executes it! The Reverse meeting happened on 15th of March, 2023 and it was FUN! Our guests set the tone for singing and dancing! Stefan led the General Evaluation round setting challenges for the Toastmasters to come and do things before they thought of it. Jasmin rapped…

  • Club contests – 15 Feb, 2023

    Club contests – 15 Feb, 2023

    Thanks to the organizing team of Barbara(VP Education), Ineke (Contest Chair) and Ron (Chief Judge) we had a great club contest on the 15th of Feb, 2023. Jasmin entertained us with her target speech on getting engaged to her very German boyfriend who cleans better than her and cuddles up with their poodle. Mikaela and…