
  • Club contests – 15 Feb, 2023

    Club contests – 15 Feb, 2023

    Thanks to the organizing team of Barbara(VP Education), Ineke (Contest Chair) and Ron (Chief Judge) we had a great club contest on the 15th of Feb, 2023. Jasmin entertained us with her target speech on getting engaged to her very German boyfriend who cleans better than her and cuddles up with their poodle. Mikaela and…

  • Officer Training @ Ingolstadt

    Officer Training @ Ingolstadt

    Four officers from the Munich Prostmasters made it to Ingolstadt! Ron and I landed early for the officer training at Ingolstadt last week. The location was great – Technische Hochschule. It felt great to be meeting people live after two years for an officer training. The last time I was in one of them was…

  • Moments of Truth 2021/22

    Moments of Truth 2021/22

    We had a great time yesterday with Barbara, Isil, Ineke, Ron, Stefan, Chris and Darya discussing what went well in 2021/22 and what could be improved. We even had two guests Alejandro and Jeff joining us to provide their valuable inputs. We sat down in a round table and had a discussion over some snacks…