District 59 Autumn Speech Conference and more…

by Caroline Deinert

The District 59 autumn conference took place in Budapest 15th to 17th November, 2013. Congratulations to two members of our club, who were very successful:

German Table Topics Speech Contest

2. Mel Kelly

English Humorous Speech Contest

1. Mel Kelly

German Humorous Speech Contest

1. Hervé Marcy

French Humorous Speech Contest

2. Hervé Marcy

What did the winners say: Mel Kelly was “surprised” when he became second at the Table Topics in German and “even more surprised” when he recognized that he was the winner of the English Humorous Speech Contest. Hervé Marcy said: “I was very surprised because there were very good speeches, and of course very happy”, after the Humorous Speech contest in French. He won the second place. And after his speech in the German Humerous Speech Contest he felt:  “Incredibly happy that people in the audience laughed at my speech and deeply grateful that they honored me with the first place”. If you ask Hervé about the first thing that comes in mind, that this experience gives him for the future, he will answer you: “Motivation! Motivation to continue to learn, become a better speaker and have fun”.


Spring Conference 16th – 18th May 2014

The Krakow Speech Conference is already embracing its task eagerly. We would like to remind you that there is an early bird registration fee until 30th of November 2013. After that, the price will rise. If you are interested in going to the Spring Conference 2014: TAKE ACTION NOW! http://conference.toastmasterskrakow.eu/index.php?s=registration


Toastmasters‘ Website Update

As of November 5, the section in the Toastmasters International website previously referred to as “My Profile” is now called “My Account.” My Account is where you go to view your membership or education award history, update your contact information and view your downloads.

Are you Planning a Speech Contest?

The latest Speech Contest Rulebook (Item 1171), recently updated based on member feedback, is now available. You can download a PDF version free from the Toastmasters Online Store. Read about the latest rulebook revisions at www.toastmasters.org/speechcontests.

Call for 2014 Convention Presenters

Do you have experience addressing international audiences and engaging groups of 500 or more? Dynamic presenters are invited to apply to speak at the 2014 International Convention in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia by November 15 at www.toastmasters.org/callforpresenters.

Accredited Speaker Program Deadline

Applications for the 2014 Accredited Speaker Program will be accepted between January 1 and February 1, 2014. To learn more about the program, or to download the application or the new rules that went into effect April 2013, please visit www.toastmasters.org/accreditedspeakerprogram.

Say Thank You with Branded Toastmasters Gifts

This season, show your appreciation to fellow members and leaders with apparel and gifts from the Toastmasters Online Store.

‘Like’ Us on Facebook

The Official Toastmasters International Facebook Fan Page provides up-to-date information about the organization as well as tips on public speaking. “Like” it today!

Read the Toastmaster Magazine on Your iPad

The November Toastmaster magazine will be available early this month for download on your iPad via a free app. The digital edition is enhanced with multimedia interactivity, videos, photo slideshows and links. For instructions on how to download the Toastmasters International app, please visit www.toastmasters.org/magazine. Members will still receive the print edition unless they choose to opt out.

Watch Toastmasters Convention Video Highlights

If you were unable to attend the convention in August, visit www.toastmastersondemand.com to purchase on-demand videos and DVDs of the Golden Gavel Dinner, the World Championship of Public Speaking and the International Speech Contest Semifinals (on demand only). On-demand videos can be viewed on any device with Internet access, including your smartphone.

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