Four officers from the Munich Prostmasters made it to Ingolstadt!
Ron and I landed early for the officer training at Ingolstadt last week. The location was great – Technische Hochschule. It felt great to be meeting people live after two years for an officer training. The last time I was in one of them was beginning of 2022 when Mikaela organised one in the European University near Theresienwiese in Munich.
We set up the wall that people know from conferences and I jumped to the opportunity of creating a short teaser for the workshop later that day. Yanti was kind enough to make the video and she sure has a stable hand.
We had fun sessions throughout the afternoon!
Tobias took on a journey about the Distinguished Club plan, Jason on Hybrid meetings and Olga on DTM.
Olga managed to get people together and present their ideas. Two of our officers got their ideas together and presented as part of their teams.
Haiyi explaining how she will take care of members and guests during a Toastmasters conference
Darya in action at the officer training talking about club funds and taxation.