15th anniversary of Munich Prostmasters

21st May 2014 at Rigoletto, Munich

Members of Munich Prostmasters cannot only hold fabulous speeches, but we can celebrate, too! This year our club is existing for 15 years now. Amazing! We celebrate this anniversary with a special meeting on Wednesday, 21st May at the ‘Rigoletto’, Rosa-Aschenbrenner-Bogen 9 – only three minutes walk from our usual meeting place! We will meet outside Freiraum, Saarstraße 5 at 19:15 and walk together, or you can go directly to Rigoletto.

Quick overview of important information:

  • Meeting starts at 19:30 at Rigoletto, big room
  • Almost normal meeting with two speeches and evaluations
  • Second half of the meeting is packed with fun and entertainment
  • Free drinks during the meeting
  • Dinner will be after the meeting at the Rigoletto.
  • Please tell our president, Thomas via e-mail whether you will be there for the dinner
  • You choose your meal before the meeting – no waiting for the food!
  • You pay for your dinner individually, drinks during meeting are on the club.

 So, see you all tomorrow for the big anniversary of 15 years Munich Prostmasters!