Author: Ranjith
August in Bavaria
Our last meeting was very special. For one thing, I discovered that August in Bavaria means vacation. Or actually: vacate-shun. Everybody vacates town and shuns the things they normally do. With this, our first meeting of August was marked by many visitors. All those visitors came on vacation to us! That was great because they…
last week and next week
oh dear, oh dear, today is Tuesday and tomorrow is a Prostmasters free Wednesday. What to do? Time to reflect on how last week’s great meeting developed and dream a bit on what we will do better next week. Our last meeting was great. I must admit – in hindsight… For I was a bit…
Movimento Moves
The first blog entry after the club moved to Movimento 🙂 We are now right in the centre of the city between Marienplatz and Karlsplatz. Stanko led the meeting seguing his way through as Toastmaster of the Evening. Martin made an invocation with a sparrow flying high till it froze and had a bit of…