Author: Ranjith

  • Area Contest

    Funster or Fun Killer? Are you looking for a humorous and spontaneous Saturday? Contestants from Toastmasters’ district 59, division I, area 1, 2, 3 clubs will speak against each other at the area contest on 28th September 2013. Agenda: humorous speaches and Table Topics® in German, French and English! Triple funny and spontaneous! Keynote speech…

  • Speaking by Numbers

    by Ineke Vermeulen (Immediate Past President) 22 – 13 – 35 – 11 This is not a math riddle, even though the number nerds amongst you might be able to find a theory to calculate the next in the row… But for those that are only curious, I’ll tell you that these are the numbers…

  • Promote, Practise and Present

    Be a Speaker at Toastmasters’ Corso Leopold Stage The Street Art Festival „Corso Leopold“ takes place September 14th and 15th. Munich’s Toastmasters clubs have a stage and booth at Leopold Street. One highlight with special atmosphere is going to take place at the 14th: A regular club meeting on the stage. Therefore the organizer Janine…

  • “Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you get”

    To be experienced live at the Prostmasters – by our blogger Stephanie Dear fellow Toastmasters, “Life’s like a box o’ chocolate, you never know what you get” To be experienced live at the last Prostmaster’s meeting on August 18th. Only few members had signed up for the meeting, quite a few roles had not been…

  • Prostmasters Summer Jam

    by Ineke Vermeulen (Immediate Past President) Blistering heat, summer in the city with perfect pool weather, barbecue invitations galore AND a one-off Robbie Williams concert in the Olympia stadium – nothing, and I mean nothing, was deferring Munich Prostmasters from having another great meeting. What on earth – an innocent bystander might think – is…

  • Of Frogs and Snails

    by blogger of the evening, Christopher Magyar These two slippery creatures figured prominently, albeit by chance, in our meeting on July 17.  A warm summer evening saw a goodly gathering of Toastmasters, guests and Hawaiian shirts come together for an evening that featured two icebreaker speeches and two advanced orations. One of our ‘debutant’ speakers…

  • Help to face fear on stage!

    Fight against your fear of impromptu speaking. Come to our meeting on 7th August 2013 to freiraum, Saarstraße 5, Munich. You will get a training section, which helps you to fight against your fear of public speaking. This is a special insight: Opening: I would like to begin by … Order: Firstly …, Secondly …,…

  • Toastmasters in Harvard Business Manager

    What brings public speaking for your career? You are willing to persuade your business partners? You think you are worth a payment raise? Become a better speaker and satisfy your boss about your capability. Where do you learn public speaking?  For sure in a Toastmasters’ club. Our member, Tobias Schlosser, join regularly Effective Communicators and…