Category: Uncategorized

  • Pathways

    Where will Pathways take you? Continue your journey of personal and professional development through Pathways, Toastmasters’ new education program! As the foundation of your Toastmasters experience, Pathways is designed to help you build the competencies you need to communicate and lead. Start Pathways: Take an assessment and get some recommendations from Toastmasters to choose between…

  • Rhetoric, Rhetoricians and Rhetorical devices

    Munich Prostmasters Meeting, 2nd August 2017 If you missed the Munich Prostmasters Meeting on 2nd August 2017, then you missed a fun-filled, action-packed evening. Here´s a summary: Our president Ranjith opened the session by sharing a personal anecdote about feedback he received on his YouTube channel video. The speech, which was delivered four years ago…

  • An evening of personal transformations

    21.06.2017 On Wednesday, 21st June, a warm estival evening coinciding with the summer solstice, Munich Prostmasters gathered to thank the outgoing Officers team and welcome the incoming team. Dhruba led the audience through our warm-up session, namely Table topics, exploiting the “estival” theme (incidentally, the word of the day which means ‘related to the summer’)…

  • Vittoria speaks from her heart!

    Vittoria speaks from her heart! “Dears, I am a new Toastmaster officer. I stepped in this role out of love. Out of love for all what I learned and achieved with Toastmaster. I wanted to give back.Gandhi once said “the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”And I…

  • Honouring the Founder of our Club

    and starting a new term with a new officers’ team Tonight we kicked off the new Toastmaster year with a bang! This year’s club officers were inducted and are eager to help everyone reach their speech and leadership goals in the next 365 days. It was announced that our club’s founder and long-time member Christopher…

  • Workshops!

    The last meeting in April at Prostmasters Munich was one of an unusual kind. We had no prepared speeches, no word of the day, no table topics, but on the other hand we had workshops! Two of them! And jokes! Lots of them! This meeting was one of the most active ones I have attended recently…

  • Time Travel

    Meet Ralph Smedley, the Toastmasters Founder Toastmasters celebrates its 90th aniversary!  Cause for a time travel in our Table Topics: Ineke impersonated Toastmasters Founder Ralph Smedley and explained, that (s)he intended to make young men more eloquent to improve communication between men and women. Kumar, assuming the role of a guest on a 1954 international…

  • Munich Prostmasters at Expat Fair

    You are welcome at our stand Members of our club represent the Munich Prostmasters at the ‘Expat in the City an international fair‘ at Alte Kongresshalle, Theresienhöhe 15, Munich on the 22nd March 2015, 10.00 – 17.00. Toastmasters at the stand and demo-meeting Munich Prostmasters is one of six Toastmaster clubs at the expat fair.…

  • A unique Prostmaster´s evening of contest

    Special Munich Prostmasters’ meeting on March 4th: International Speech and Evaluation Club Contest. Following the funny jokes from Samuel, the first part of the evening started with a target speech given by our experienced speaker Carlo. It was absolutly amazing to experience how differently the five contestants (Ranjith, Ineke, Hervé, Kumar and Armin) focused on…

  • 2nd meeting in February 2015

    An international affair: 14 countries represented Over 14 different nationalities were represented at our last Prostmaster meeting! It was a huge turnout. People from South Africa, Malta, Afghanistan, Ireland, India, USA, China, Portugal, Spain, Nigeria, Georgia, Russia and Germany. The mix of nations was a guarantee for a lot of fun! Not only did we…